About Us


Europa-Allee 28
D-54343 Föhren

company details

Company headquarters Föhren
Commercial register: HRB 3983, District Court Wittlich
Type of company: GmbH (limited liability company)
Managing Director: Ingo Burggraf
Dr. Thomas Simon
Ulrich Simon
Value added tax ID: DE192270896
Responsible for content: Ingo Burggraf

contact details

Phone: +49 6502 9208-0
Fax: +49 6502 9208-850
E-Mail: info@it-haus.com

disclaimer of liability

The product information, prices and information provided in this online shop have been carefully checked and are updated regularly. However, no liability or guarantee can be assumed that the product information, prices and information provided is complete, correct and up-to-date at all times.

This applies in particular to all links to other websites to which this webshop refers directly or indirectly. IT-Haus GmbH expressly declares that it has no influence whatsoever on the design or content of a page reached via such a link and does not adopt such content as its own.

IT-Haus GmbH reserves the right to make changes or additions to the product information, prices and information provided without prior notice.
Under no circumstances shall IT-Haus GmbH be liable for concrete, direct or indirect damages or damages resulting from a lack of possibilities of use, loss of data or lost profits - whether due to non-compliance with contractual obligations, negligence or any other tortious act - in connection with the use of product information, information or documents or services that are accessible in this webshop.